Holy Wisdom Council 102
Grand Knight - Issac Bobb
4910 Bonni View Road Dallas,Texas 75216-1601
Email: [email protected]
Phone: 214.674.4793
Meetings: 1st Sunday Rm. 106 Thea Bowman Hall 10:30am.
About Us
The Knights of Peter Claver, Inc. is the largest historically African-American Catholic lay organization in the United States. The Order is named for St. Peter Claver, the Spanish Priest who ministered to African slaves. In 2006, a unit was established in San Andres, Colombia, South America. The Order was founded in Mobile, Alabama and is presently headquartered in New Orleans.
Our purpose is to render service to God and His Holy Church, render aid and assistance to the sick and disabled, and promote social and intellectual association among our members.
National website kofpc.org